Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Pala Najana

i recently had to deal with a "friend"/troll on one of my posts. i spent hours of my precious energy, but to no avail. 🙁 well, OMVG! just this morning, because of you, i discovered the greatest, time-saving response tool ever. it really works! i copied and pasted the trolls comment, and wala, like magic, the perfect response was generated in seconds! i especially love how i can choose the tone and length, and whether or not to include stats! this is my new best friend! I've already tried using it with several different scenarios. the even more beautiful thing about it, it provides links to the sources, that i can include in my replies or just use to learn even more. of course, i will always check it, for accuracy, before i actually use the reply. 😉 LOOK OUT, TROLLS! Thank you, PALA NAJANA, Vegan FTA and Vegan God!!!

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Yay!!! So glad you like it and have already started using it, Coleen & Jonathan. Thanks a lot for stopping by & have a wonderful day :)

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