I hadn’t heard of this campaign and just looked it up to find that it’s in its fifth year and this year they’re really trying to target Gen Z. And younger people today have shown to be less able to discern propaganda when they see it. I’ve always thought that a good rule of thumb is that if it’s something backed by corporate interests then we should naturally be more skeptical.

Thanks for sharing this.

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I agree, that's a good rule of thumb! As mentioned in the article, the dishonest "Let’s Eat Balanced" campaign has been approved by a UK minister who himself owns a beef farm.

The entire public body that initiated the campaign is “solely promoting the interests of the animal farming sector," according to experts.

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Such an important topic! Thanks for breaking this down so clearly. Countering these campaigns with facts and actionable steps is vital . . . especially when the stakes for the environment and public health are so high. Great work!

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Thank you so much for your kind words. You’re absolutely right: the stakes couldn’t be higher. But even in the face of these challenges, there’s good of reason for hope. We have just begun to fight. Grateful to have thoughtful voices like yours engaged in this conversation! 🙏

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Just like US!!! 😢 Sadly, on average, about 695,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year. This is about one in five deaths.


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...and big pharma generates around $1.6 trillion in revenue annually, globally. For as long as i can remember, we were being indoctrinated with lies and propaganda to eat more meat!, drink more milk!, hunt and fish more animals!, eat more protein!, go to zoos!, go to circuses!, go to rodeos, wear other animals' skin! Essentially, we were being brainwashed, more and more every day, by big ag and the likes. We were all being duped and set-up, getting sicker and sicker, and further and further away from true compassion for life, so big ag and big pharma could get rich and powerful!

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