I’ve been a Vegan for years and was a Vegetarian for years before that. People I know seem to know all about the cruelty involved in getting, rearing and preparing animals for food. They still eat them though, even the ones who say yes, it’s cruel.

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They "know" it, but they don't feel it. They have lost the emotional connection. But the good news is: this can be fixed. It has worked for me. Documentaries like 'Dominion' or virtual reality experiences can help. The situation may look bleak, but there is hope. More people are turning vegan every day. We will achieve what we want to achieve - much quicker than most people would dare to imagine today: https://veganhorizon.substack.com/p/animal-agriculture-has-no-chance

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Very well written. It's what I've been saying for decades. The hypocrisy of meat-eating "animal lovers" is breathtakingly tragic.

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"Breathtakingly tragic" - well put… It’s ironic — you don’t even have to love animals to treat them with basic respect. Yet, even those who claim to be “animal lovers” and loudly complain about pet abuse continue to support such cruel practices without a second thought. I used to be one of them. Once you’ve made the connection, once you’ve truly seen the horror and injustice of animal exploitation, something clicks and it becomes impossible to unsee. Every day, more people have this ‘click’ moment. The movement grows. And we won’t give up. As Stephen Hawking said, “While there's life, there is hope."

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